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One goal this year was to have consistent coverage on our Instagram. Last year, I ran the Instagram, creating budgets monthly and posting twice a week. A few months into the school year I passed that role onto a designated Social Media Editor. She's done an amazing job setting a high standard for our photos and increasing our following from around 900 to more than 1500 in less than a year. The Instagram has become an easy way to break news, update students about opportunities or deadlines, or write fun stories in-between newspaper publications. It also allows us to crowd source, which was beneficial especially during e-learning.


Understanding Social Media 

One of the best things about the instagram is that it allows our reporters to write about what they enjoy and have direct access to an audience. 

My interests however, do not always correlate with the interests of the student population. I've written Instagram posts reviewing vegan restaurants and summarizing the best hiking spots in the area and they just don't get as many likes as posts covering events or mini profiles. Still, it's good to have a diverse range of posts. To below  are a few of the posts I've had the most fun making that were not the most successful in likes vs a post I've made that got a lot more likes. 

Places to hike near school, 193 likes

Restaurant review, 198 likes 

This day in history post, 150 likes 

Homecoming post, 499 likes 


While we consistently post reminders on our Instagram, in the newspaper and on the website for students to buy a yearbook, a staff member had the idea of using the upcoming Valentine's day holiday to hopefully sell a lot of yearbooks. Making use of the backgrounds we bought for the Us Magazine, we took photos of the staff promoting our Valentines day special discount code. The journalism room number is 506. On valentines day, our social media editor will post these and, hopefully, we will sell more yearbooks! 

© 2022 By Asher Montgomery 
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